Body Care Reviews

Fun in the Sun: Coppertone ClearlySheer Lotion for Body review

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     By now ya’ll have heard me moan and groan about sunscreen on multiple occasions. I’ve never liked applying it, and usually can’t wait to get it off as soon as possible. Only way for me to use SPF is if you sneak it into my makeup or skincare, like in my go-to foundation from Guerlain. The problem for me with sunscreen is typically the scent and the texture, as well as that telltale white cast.

     However, as stubborn as I am, I’m not stupid. I know that prolonged exposure to sunlight is dangerous on so many levels, and I’m even more conscious of the fact since I have a family background of various cancers and skin illnesses. This summer I am determined to at least grow to tolerate sunscreen, and I’m doing it one step at a time.

Coppertone ClearlySheer Body Lotion
© Gil Segev 2016
     This is the newest innovation from Coppertone, a company with nearly three quarters of a century experience in the sunblock business. For summer 2016 they’re introducing the ClearlySheer line, created with “her” in mind (trying not to take offence). The facial lotion, body lotion and body spray each have an SPF of 30 with broad spectrum UVA/UVB protection. They’re each water resistant up to 80 minutes, contain skin moisturizing properties, and look and smell fresh and clean (in theory). The facial lotion is even fine under makeup.

     I decided to put the ClearlySheer Body Lotion ($9.99*) to the test to see if it really lives up to all those generous claims. Mostly I was looking to see if it was better than any sunscreen I have ever tried (and rejected) before, and if I would actually use it in my daily life as replacement for normal lotion. Remember, sun exposure is just as dangerous on a work commute as a day at the beach, and you should protect your skin as much as possible by wearing hats and long sleeves, staying in the shade and staying hydrated. Sun damage can cause spots, wrinkling and texture – stay safe this summer!

Coppertone ClearlySheer Body Lotion
© Gil Segev 2016
     Initial application was so-so. Pros: product absorbed quickly and entirely, did not feel greasy, and felt hydrating. Cons: while my skin didn’t look white, per say, it did look paler than before. It also had a slightly unpleasant scent, a little like fake coconut (good time to mention I’m not a fan of coconut scents). I wore it for three days in and out of the sun to come to a conclusion on wear-ability. Please note that you technically need to reapply sunscreen throughout the day, but for the sake of being realistic I was lazy and only applied once each morning. Here are my final thoughts…

Coppertone ClearlySheer Body Lotion
© Gil Segev 2016
     The truth is, this stuff rocks! The scent turns out to fade almost right away, and I wear so much perfume anyways that it’s virtually undetectable. The lotion made my skin feel smooth and supple, with the added benefit of protecting my body from the sun. I couldn’t feel that it was on, and it didn’t make me sticky or sweaty. If there was ever a sunscreen to turn a doubter into a believer, it’s this one. I am so excited to use it this summer when I go camping, swimming, and generally enjoying the two months of sun a year we get here in Canada. What’s your favourite sunscreen?

*Prices true at time of writing.

You can check out Coppertone at their website or follow them on Facebook and YouTube.

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